
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

This week has been a very challenging week for me, but I think things are looking up and my worries will soon be far away. 

Via Etsy

The thing I love most this week are my Bestest Friends!  I do not know what to do without them.  I had a wonderful time with them this past weekend, and I can't wait to see them again!  I also love the friends I have here.  They keep me sane.  And, I have made some new friends over the past few days.  

Last week, I submitted a proposal for the Art Symposium that my school does.  Its highly competitive, and only three people get selected.  I did not get selected.  I was rather upset about it, but I think things do happen for a reason.  I really did not know how much time I would actually have to devote to it, especially with everything else that I have in my life.  Knowing that I have some free time makes me very happy.

Other small things:
*Trying new things * library nerdiness (playing with databases!) * upcoming fashion project *Valentine's Day decorations everywhere! * Feeling relieved and free * The Glee Valentine's Day episode * Brittany S. Pierce's new style on Glee.  I totally love it! * Silly texts from my boyfriend * My boyfriend for always being wonderful * My Mommy * Winning Twinkies for dressing up as twins with someone * THIS post by my friend Celia (you should follow her too!) *

Now, what do you love this week???


  1. I love that I got a shout-out in your blog! And, I love that you have this 500 Days of Summer video on your blog, when I've been listening to that soundtrack on a daily basis for the last week. :)

  2. Oh, I also love that quote about the bird and the french fry.

  3. 500 Days of Summer is one of my favorite movies, and the soundtrack is superb! Yes, I loved your last blog entry, and I wanted to share it! :D So much love!

  4. That clip put me over the moon. Always wanted to see 500 Days, netflixing now. Great post by the by! Positivity is panacea to any maladies.

  5. Alex, I hope you like 500 Days of Summer! I own it on DVD if you ever want to borrow it in the future.
