
Thursday, September 29, 2011

TILT - Lots of links, videos, and music...and a vacation???

Hi Friends!  How is your week?  Are you celebrating Fall by eating pumpkin things?  My week is great, thanks for asking!  Guess what?

...I am really excited to announce that after I graduate this winter, I am going to California!!!
I was on an Elliptical when I got the news, but I pretty much did this.  Sorry everyone at the gym!
Don't you fret, its just a vacation unless I magically miss my flight and find some couches to sleep on until I find employment and can support myself and I will be returning to St. Louis at some point.  I am so excited to go!  I haven't been to California in FOUR years!  I can't wait to see my family and spend the holidays knowing there is a 0% chance of snow!!!  Also, there is talk of going to....

"I just graduated college and I'm going to Disneyland!" - Me in a few months
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

DISNEYLAND!!!!  Friends, you know how I feel about Disneyland.  I am not ashamed to say its my favorite place in the whole world.  I may even go as far and say its my favorite place that has ever existed in time and in space (that is a big commitment!  I've only been alive for 23 years!  How would I know?!).  I have already compiled a list of all the Mickey-shaped foods I am going to eat and which characters I want to meet (Flynn Rider, I'm looking at you!)  Needless to say, going to California is the biggest high of my week!  Seeing my family is a big motivation to finishing up this final semester of college!

Small Things:
Today is National Coffee Day!Breadfish * "Omg Ashley! We are gyming and tanning!" "I need to do laundry!" "What have we become?!" "Neither of us are Italian Americans!" "But seriously, wouldn't the gym be great if it were a laundromat too???" * THIS conversation * Kyla and I practicing the smiles from said conversation * Having four simultaneous conversations about HoneyBadgers (and I did not start any of them!!!) * My BFF Nick is coming into town today!!! * Baking (I perfected the White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookie) * I appreciate this blog entry

Multimedia Extravaganza!!!! (The Internet and I were very cozy this last week)
Tumblrs I Like:
Cute Boys with Cat
My Daguerreotype Boyfriend
The Daily Beard

I like this playlist:

I like this song:

How I celebrated Coffee Day:


  1. The breadfish song almost made me late to class. Talk about a bad excuse.

  2. Bad excuse? Or awesome excuse???
