
Thursday, September 29, 2011

TILT - Lots of links, videos, and music...and a vacation???

Hi Friends!  How is your week?  Are you celebrating Fall by eating pumpkin things?  My week is great, thanks for asking!  Guess what?

...I am really excited to announce that after I graduate this winter, I am going to California!!!
I was on an Elliptical when I got the news, but I pretty much did this.  Sorry everyone at the gym!
Don't you fret, its just a vacation unless I magically miss my flight and find some couches to sleep on until I find employment and can support myself and I will be returning to St. Louis at some point.  I am so excited to go!  I haven't been to California in FOUR years!  I can't wait to see my family and spend the holidays knowing there is a 0% chance of snow!!!  Also, there is talk of going to....

"I just graduated college and I'm going to Disneyland!" - Me in a few months
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

DISNEYLAND!!!!  Friends, you know how I feel about Disneyland.  I am not ashamed to say its my favorite place in the whole world.  I may even go as far and say its my favorite place that has ever existed in time and in space (that is a big commitment!  I've only been alive for 23 years!  How would I know?!).  I have already compiled a list of all the Mickey-shaped foods I am going to eat and which characters I want to meet (Flynn Rider, I'm looking at you!)  Needless to say, going to California is the biggest high of my week!  Seeing my family is a big motivation to finishing up this final semester of college!

Small Things:
Today is National Coffee Day!Breadfish * "Omg Ashley! We are gyming and tanning!" "I need to do laundry!" "What have we become?!" "Neither of us are Italian Americans!" "But seriously, wouldn't the gym be great if it were a laundromat too???" * THIS conversation * Kyla and I practicing the smiles from said conversation * Having four simultaneous conversations about HoneyBadgers (and I did not start any of them!!!) * My BFF Nick is coming into town today!!! * Baking (I perfected the White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookie) * I appreciate this blog entry

Multimedia Extravaganza!!!! (The Internet and I were very cozy this last week)
Tumblrs I Like:
Cute Boys with Cat
My Daguerreotype Boyfriend
The Daily Beard

I like this playlist:

I like this song:

How I celebrated Coffee Day:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Confession: I am a Hobbit...

The other day, I popped in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and came upon the harsh realization that I am pretty much a hobbit.  This is not something I am proud to admit.  In fact, I am slightly embarrassed that I compare myself to mystical creatures.  Lets be real: No one wants to be a hobbit.  Being a dwarf would be worse!  But everyone wants to be an Elf (even if you think LOTR is lame, you know its true).  After feeling sad that I am not a tall, elegant, graceful elf with strong, beautiful facial features, I came to terms with my hobbitness.  Here are my hobbit characteristics:
  • Stature.  I am short.  I admit it.  I can't reach the top shelf in any of the cabinets in my kitchen.  I can barely get my t-shirts off of my t-shirt shelf in my closet.  I can't see the top of the fridge.  I can barely look over the dash of my car.  I am short.
  • I LOVE FOOD.  Hobbits like to eat and they eat a lot.  I can be BFFs with Merry and Pippin.  I can out eat most people that I know (Challenge me, I dare you!)  I would be happy eating the hobbit eating schedule - Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevensees, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, and Supper.
  • I enjoy a well brewed beer.
  • I'd rather participate in leisure activities than do work (doesn't anyone, though?)

A quote that may or may not resemble a real life conversation I have had multiple times:
Legolas: Lembas! [nibbles a corner] One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man!
Merry: [to Pippin] How many did you eat?
Pippin: Four.

I share the same excitement over Starbucks:

(Guys...This is me...I even own a vest, suspenders, and scarves!)

Yes, I am a Hipster Hobbit.  I love Starbucks and liking things before they were cool.  Also, check out more of Noelle's series "The Broship of the Ring" - it is hilarious!  And her Tumblr is just stinkin' great!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

TILT - Hot beverages, pumpkin everything, Lion King 3D!

I LOVE FALL.  The weather has been wonderful!  Each morning I've made a delicious chocolate-infused coffee and then a Chai tea for the afternoon because the weather has been perfect for it!  I love the rain (especially when it is not monsooning!) because that means: Wearing my snazzy raincoat, fancy scarves, and boots!  Sometimes I think living in Seattle would be most ideal for me.  Who knows?  I want to live everywhere!

  • Lion King 3D - If you know anything about me, you know that I love Disney.  When I found out that Lion King was coming out in 3D, you bet your behind that I wanted to see it ASAP.  I loved it.  The movie wasn't super 3D-y (if ya know what I mean), but it was just great to see it on a big screen!  Now that I am 23 and not 5 years old with an attention span of a gnat, I truly appreciated Lion King in all of its splendor.  Everyone at the theatre was my age (plus or minus 5 years); I did not see any children.  Reader Question: What was the average age of the audience when you saw Lion King 3D???  I also would like to support Disney in 3D-ifying and rereleasing classic movies in theatres (My suggestions include: The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast; I would also like to see Peter Pan but not in 3D) 
  • Free things!  Guys, "free" is my favorite four letter F word.  I love getting things for free!  This week, I got a free month long gym membership, free tanning gift certificate (laugh it up!), and will be getting free pumpkin beer!  
  • HALLOWEEN!  Halloween is coming up!  This is my favorite holiday (next to Valentine's Day...And Christmas, of course!).  Nothing makes me more excited about Halloween!  Guys, I already watched The Nightmare Before Christmas (yes, I consider this a Halloween movie!) and I am planning on watching the Addams Family soon.  Also, I want to have a scary movie night!  And Halloween costume?  Oh, its going to be awesome!  

Little Things:
Pumpkin Everything (candles, cookies, muffins, lattes, oatmeal, body wash!) * Wearing skirts (ok, you caught me, I need to do laundry!  But I love not wearing pants!) * Watching Kyla try and kill a fly (she is going about it wrong) * Hilarious Twitter conversations * "He was like blah blah blah my girlfriend this blah blah blah" "You should have been like blah blah blah I'm gonna kiss your face! blah blah blah!" * Talking like the Swedish Chef (Bork bork bork!) * Elliott Smith all day, every day * Chai Tea and coffee * Reminding myself that literature is not equal to reality (even if strange parallels occur) * Someone has answered my prayers!  I can have hair like Zooey Deschanel!!! * Employment!!! * Songs with whistling:

(I actually hate Maroon 5 and the message of this song, but I love whistling.  I can't help it)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

TILT - Supportive friends and embracing fall!

Hi friends!  I hope that everyone is having a good week.  Mine has had its ups and downs (check out my blog entry on Life Decisions), but overall, its been a fairly positive week.

Big Things:

  • My BFFs and their excitement about me moving back to St. Louis.  My best friends get me through a lot and are nothing but supportive of everything I do! In fact, they are more than supportive of me moving back! This past year of them being in the real world while I'm still in college has been rough and  I can't wait to be near them again!
  • School.  Guys, I kind of really like this semester of school.  For the first time in a long time, I feel intellectually stimulated and challenged in my classes.  Maybe this is a new feeling because I know this is my last semester of having to sit in undergraduate classes.  I feel like I am in control of my school work instead of my school work controlling me.  
  • The Fall Weather.  I love summer and everything it stands for, but I absolutely love everything about fall.  I love wearing scarves and jackets and layering.  I love hot beverages and pumpkin.  I know I already wrote about my love for fall, but this week is perfect.  This morning I made myself a wonderful cup of coffee (I added cocoa powder to it!) and ate a pumpkin spice muffin for breakfast - it was the perfect fall breakfast!  "If you love Fall so much, then why don't you marry it?"  WELL MAYBE I WILL.

Small Things:
Cardigans and scarves * Pumpkin Spice Muffins * Baking * Compiling an amazing fall playlist * Time to be creative and artsy-fartsy * Weekend Shenanigans * My red hair (I'm more in love with it than usual) * Donating blood and recieving a mug for four successful donations * EE Cummings (always always alwayssss) * Listening to Across the Universe and The Beatles * THIS VIDEO - I am embarrassed by how funny I think it is *  Gala Darling Always! * My subconscious attraction to lumberjacks???   IDK! * Dressing like a villain * Drinking a huge cup of tea while reading a book (for fun) before bed * Cuddling up in my hot-pink blanket * Texts that make me smile and laugh * My heterolifemate * The New Girl (seriously, so funny)

I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is. - Kurt Vonnegut

What is wonderful in your life???

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Life Decisions...

Source: via Ryan on Pinterest

I have made the decision to move back to St. Louis after I graduate this December.  This is not my first choice, but it will lead me to what I really want.  But do I really know what I really want?  I digress, this is not the point of this entry.  Anyhow, I will be heading back to St. Louis for about a year.   I will be going to graduate school part time and (hopefully) working full time.

Why is this my decision?  Well, Graduate School is expensive.  Going to Graduate School out of state is really expensive.  Unfortunately, I do not have the money to move across the country and attend school.  I'm going to do the trendy thing and move back home and work at a place that I am over-qualified for (hello, waiting tables!).

I'm going to be honest, coming to terms with this decision is difficult.  I panicked.  All of these terrible thoughts kept popping into my head: What if I get stuck in Missouri forever?  If I chose a different major, maybe I would not be in this situation.  I can't live at home!  It'll be just like high school!  WHAT IF I GET STUCK IN MISSOURI FOREVER!?!?!?!  I am convinced that Missouri is the Bermuda Triangle - once you are here, you can't leave!  But, this is only temporary.  I will not get stuck in Missouri forever.  After I stopped crying on the phone with my mom, I readjusted my attitude and thought of the positive things:
  • Living at home = No rent (or very little rent!)
  • I get to spend my days with Sophie! (I will be maintaining a Facebook Fan Page for her when I move back)
  • My BFFs are in St. Louis!  I get to see them whenever I want!
  • I won't be in Springfield
  • St. Louis has a lot of free opportunities (Art Museum, Zoo, History Museum)
  • Better job opportunities (I probably won't be waiting tables)
  • I'll have time to really decide where I want to live my adult life (California?  Arizona?  Be a jet-setter?)
  • Time to travel???  Road trip??? IDK.
Overall, this is the smart, grown up decision.  I have come to terms with it.  That's a lie.  I still want to get out of here ASAP.  But this is only temporary and everything will work out.  And when things get tough, I will just bake (because that is what I do when I am stressed out).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

TILT: Getting healthy, Completing Goals, and Lots-o-Videos!

Its Thursday?  Already???  I love short weeks because the weekend comes by so much quicker!  So, here's what's good:

  • The Roommate "Get Healthy" Pact -  I mentioned this pact a couple of weeks ago, but I will go into a little bit more detail now!  The last couple of weeks, my roommate and I have started to become healthy.  As former RAs, we got used to eating dining hall food (and then going out to eat because we were dissatisfied with the food), staying up late, being stressed out 24/7, and eating our feelings.  This is very unhealthy.  We needed a change!  So, we are eating very healthy (lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, lots and lots of water) and it is working out great!  I had already gotten down to my Pre-RA weight before this, but now I am lighter!  We both are very successful so far!
  • Baking - Oh goodness I love baking.  And since we are being healthier, it is a struggle to remind myself I can't bake since we can't eat any of it. BUT I can bake for other people!  What I am saying: if you want some dinosaur shaped sugar cookies, I can totally make them for you!
  • Graduation Bucket List - I have compiled a list of things I need to do in Springfield before I graduate.  The list initially consisted of three things, but it has now expanded to about 10 things!  Tonight, I am going to cross off my first item on the list!  If anyone thinks of something that I need to do before I graduate, let me know!


Little things:
The Jerk * "Oh God!  I've heard about this...Cat juggling!!!" * Fall weather (cardigans and hats!!!) * Getting excited about pumpkin spice everything! * Waking up laughing (seriously, it happens all the time!) * Going to Art Walk for the first time in forever! * Visiting Kentwood * Laughing like a fool on the shuttle when I receive a hilarious text * Finally getting a coffee table for our living room * Star Wars Labor Day Marathon (enjoyed at friends' houses since we don't have cable) * Schweddy Balls Ice Cream?! * Being productive at Barnes and Noble * Exquisite hair days * She & Him is releasing a Christmas Album!!!

Two of my favorite things: Disneyland and Star Wars:

If you haven't seen The Jerk, go see it now!

This video shares all of my feelings I have over this topic:

This song is always stuck in my head

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A is for Ashley...

This fall, the 1960s Collegiate Prep look is really in.  I am really into it.  I was browsing on Forever21, and found some things that were made specifically for me.  Yes, Forever21 thought "What can we make for Ashley that she would absolutely go crazy for???"

I need an "A is for Ashley" letterman jacket or sweater.  Truthfully, I am super in love with the pullover with the huge "A" in the center.  This shirt will be mine.  Oh yes, it will be mine.  But I don't want to spend $20 on it.  Luckily, my smart roommate Kyla says "Ashley, you know how to sew...Why don't you make it!"  Why didn't I think of that?!  Friends, I am making myself this sweater this weekend.  I know, I know.  I can hear what some of you guys are thinking "Ashley, you are going to look like a lost Weasley kid, especially with your red hair!" or "Ashley, you are not a Chipmunk!"

My response to those statements: I don't care!  This is happening.  I'll just be really easy to spot on campus/in public.

The fall weather that we've been having the past couple of the days has put me into a Fall Frenzy.  I want to wear cardigans, knitted caps, and comfy scarves to class.  I want to drink pumpkin spice lattes while eating apple pie.  I want to wear an "A is for Ashley" shirt while drinking a pumpkin spice latte.  I absolutely love fall.

Anyone else crazy for a ridiculous trend?  Or is as excited as me about fall?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Things I Love Thursday - September 1st!

I can't believe that its September!   Where did this year go???  I like comparing my life from this time last year to where I am now.  Its a big improvement!  But that will be another blog entry!  This is what's good in my life this week:

  • This is my second week of my final semester as an Undergraduate!  Last week, I was very resistant with the whole "going back to school" business.  This week, however, I feel recharged and excited knowing that this is it.  I have been diving head first into my homework and keeping up on my readings.  I pretty much live at the library.  Today I gave myself the day off from the library to do studying elsewhere.  I might hit up a coffee shop or a different library (NERD!) just for the change of scenery.
  • Being a grown-up.   I know, calling myself a "grown-up" is not very mature, but I still feel like a kid playing house when I am at my apartment.  Paying rent?  Cooking food (not Ramen or Easy Mac)?  Making coffee before my commute to school in the morning?  Oh yes, I am doing all of these things!  
  • A weekend at home!  Last weekend, I went home for an extended stay for the first time in a really long time!  The first night I went out with my BFFs to celebrate BFF Kara's birthday (Ashley, we missed you!) and it was a very indulgent night!  We went to Bailey's Chocolate Bar and reviewed predictions we made for ourselves last December.  Some of them were spot on!  We amended our old predictions for when we meet for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in December!  The rest of the weekend, I hung out with my family, and that was really nice!  I enjoy hanging out with my family!
  • Getting excited about the fall!  I love fall!  I am getting excited about drinking Apple Cider, eating Apple Pie, and wearing cute clothes!  I love love love fall!

Multimedia that made me laugh/smile:
Favorite part of the video! (From here)

I have a tumblr addiction...(from here)

(This song is still one of my favorites!)

Little Things:
"Next thing you'll know, you will find out he has a concave chest and you will eat cereal out of it!" * Drinking delicious tea with Kyla and Sarah at the MudLounge * Seeing a lot of my old residents on campus and having great conversations with them * Bumping into people I haven't seen in ages * "You sounded like a raging Marxist" * Tweeting about being a raging Marxist and receiving a reply from TwitterJosephMcCarthy (!!!) * "We're a better team than...Ummm...Tom and Jerry?...A better team than...umm...Noah and Allie???" * Making time to read for fun (On the reading list: Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas) * Also, making time to write for fun * Being in love with life!

From here