
Thursday, September 15, 2011

TILT - Supportive friends and embracing fall!

Hi friends!  I hope that everyone is having a good week.  Mine has had its ups and downs (check out my blog entry on Life Decisions), but overall, its been a fairly positive week.

Big Things:

  • My BFFs and their excitement about me moving back to St. Louis.  My best friends get me through a lot and are nothing but supportive of everything I do! In fact, they are more than supportive of me moving back! This past year of them being in the real world while I'm still in college has been rough and  I can't wait to be near them again!
  • School.  Guys, I kind of really like this semester of school.  For the first time in a long time, I feel intellectually stimulated and challenged in my classes.  Maybe this is a new feeling because I know this is my last semester of having to sit in undergraduate classes.  I feel like I am in control of my school work instead of my school work controlling me.  
  • The Fall Weather.  I love summer and everything it stands for, but I absolutely love everything about fall.  I love wearing scarves and jackets and layering.  I love hot beverages and pumpkin.  I know I already wrote about my love for fall, but this week is perfect.  This morning I made myself a wonderful cup of coffee (I added cocoa powder to it!) and ate a pumpkin spice muffin for breakfast - it was the perfect fall breakfast!  "If you love Fall so much, then why don't you marry it?"  WELL MAYBE I WILL.

Small Things:
Cardigans and scarves * Pumpkin Spice Muffins * Baking * Compiling an amazing fall playlist * Time to be creative and artsy-fartsy * Weekend Shenanigans * My red hair (I'm more in love with it than usual) * Donating blood and recieving a mug for four successful donations * EE Cummings (always always alwayssss) * Listening to Across the Universe and The Beatles * THIS VIDEO - I am embarrassed by how funny I think it is *  Gala Darling Always! * My subconscious attraction to lumberjacks???   IDK! * Dressing like a villain * Drinking a huge cup of tea while reading a book (for fun) before bed * Cuddling up in my hot-pink blanket * Texts that make me smile and laugh * My heterolifemate * The New Girl (seriously, so funny)

I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is. - Kurt Vonnegut

What is wonderful in your life???


  1. I am also head over heels in love with fall and love to layer! I love that you are coming home and we can now enjoy the far superior offerings of Stl compared to Springfield! I love my puppies too and the ridiculous things they do :)

  2. I love that you and I are basically the same person!
