
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Life Decisions...

Source: via Ryan on Pinterest

I have made the decision to move back to St. Louis after I graduate this December.  This is not my first choice, but it will lead me to what I really want.  But do I really know what I really want?  I digress, this is not the point of this entry.  Anyhow, I will be heading back to St. Louis for about a year.   I will be going to graduate school part time and (hopefully) working full time.

Why is this my decision?  Well, Graduate School is expensive.  Going to Graduate School out of state is really expensive.  Unfortunately, I do not have the money to move across the country and attend school.  I'm going to do the trendy thing and move back home and work at a place that I am over-qualified for (hello, waiting tables!).

I'm going to be honest, coming to terms with this decision is difficult.  I panicked.  All of these terrible thoughts kept popping into my head: What if I get stuck in Missouri forever?  If I chose a different major, maybe I would not be in this situation.  I can't live at home!  It'll be just like high school!  WHAT IF I GET STUCK IN MISSOURI FOREVER!?!?!?!  I am convinced that Missouri is the Bermuda Triangle - once you are here, you can't leave!  But, this is only temporary.  I will not get stuck in Missouri forever.  After I stopped crying on the phone with my mom, I readjusted my attitude and thought of the positive things:
  • Living at home = No rent (or very little rent!)
  • I get to spend my days with Sophie! (I will be maintaining a Facebook Fan Page for her when I move back)
  • My BFFs are in St. Louis!  I get to see them whenever I want!
  • I won't be in Springfield
  • St. Louis has a lot of free opportunities (Art Museum, Zoo, History Museum)
  • Better job opportunities (I probably won't be waiting tables)
  • I'll have time to really decide where I want to live my adult life (California?  Arizona?  Be a jet-setter?)
  • Time to travel???  Road trip??? IDK.
Overall, this is the smart, grown up decision.  I have come to terms with it.  That's a lie.  I still want to get out of here ASAP.  But this is only temporary and everything will work out.  And when things get tough, I will just bake (because that is what I do when I am stressed out).

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